eHPCC™ is one simple machine, one simple solution, one simple decision.
eHPCC™ synergises high-pressure-rolling-surfaces with high-intensity-attrition in a continuous sinusoidal action. The fluid-flow dynamics within the eHPCC™, and its capability of retaining oversize particles, enables preferential mineral liberation.
eHPCC™ eliminates time-consuming, obscure, hazardous, lifting, handling and fastening practices used to re-line conventional equipment (I.e., horizontally in and out of the confined space of tumbling-mills).
eHPCC™ is tolerant of tramp metal.
eHPCC™ eliminates the process equipment conventionally used to manage the high recirculating loads associated with oversize product particles.
eHPCC™ receives lump ore and comminute the ore within a dry, media free environment.
eHPCC™ is one machine that does the work of conventional comminution and classification circuits within a significantly smaller footprint and without the use of water or grinding media.
All of the above discussion points lead to one inevitable conclusion: eHPCC™ is disruptive technology. eHPCC™ offers opportunity for:
- New projects previously thought unviable
- Novel mining and haulage concepts for production ore
- Novel process flowsheets